Lifestyle,  Nature

Simple Ways to Love Yourself and Improve Your Life

Let’s admit it, life is chaotic, stressful, busy, full of todo lists and as a result we are often stressed, unhappy, and tired. We would all  like to be healthier and happier, yet it doesn’t just happen by itself. Just like bringing home a paycheck, one has to make it a priority and put in the effort. I think we often lose sight of that as we struggle to keep it all together, take care of the kids, work, keep up with household chores, exercise, take care of our bodies etc. 

Believe it or not though, it can be different. Here are some ways I have found to help change my perspective and enjoy this journey called life a little more.

Start each day with a gratitude list, preferably by writing it down. Yes, it works. By bringing your focus to things you are grateful for, you are shifting your perspective from one of lacking and negativity to one of abundance and positivity. You will notice subtle shifts in your outlook over time. You don’t need a fancy notebook, I started off using a 20¢ college ruled, spiral notebook. You don’t need to think big, my list is often the exact same. I am thankful for my boys, my family and friends, good food, sunshine, rain, a pretty flower or at times, yes, a great adventure

Become aware of your breath and learn a breathing technique. By bringing awareness to the breath in the body, you can calm yourself, bring energy into the body, relieve stress and anxiety. It can be as simple as noticing your belly rise and fall as you breathe in and out, focusing on breathing through your nose rather than your mouth, or learning a specific breathing technique. Try the square breathing pattern below to help calm and relax the body.


  • Breath in for a count of 4
  • Hold for a count of 4
  • Exhale for a count of 4
  • Pause for a count of 4

Meditate. Find whatever form works for you, be it guided meditation, a walking meditation, a mantra or just sitting with your thoughts and watching them float by. Give yourself that time out to reset, let your brain put your house in order and reap the benefits. 

Make time for exercise, yes, you’ve heard it before. Think about it, you take care of your car, your house, your toys, all replaceable, yet you have one body to take you through this journey, make it a priority and take care of it. Find something easy, something you love to do, a walk, a simple stretch before getting out of bed in the morning, dance, lift weights, somehow find a way to make it a part of your life. You will reap the benefits. 

Eat your veggies, yes, learn to love them. You don’t need me to explain how good they are for you, packed full of fiber, vitamins, antioxidants etc. Try new ones, experiment until you find your favorites, in salads, roasted or raw. Keep it simple, leave off the butter and cheese, dip them in hummus, try different combinations, raw or roasted,  throw them on top of chopped romaine, or field greens. Next time you are at the store or farmer’s market, pick up a new one you have never tried before. 

Likewise, eat your fruit. Find your favorites and stock up. Whether it’s blueberries on top of your oatmeal, a crunchy fuji apple or juicy fresh pineapple, make them your goto snack. Your body will thank you.

On that same theme, prepare most of your meals yourself, if necessary learn how to cook. Not only will your meals be healthier and better for your body, you’ll save time and money. A little planning goes a long way. Think ahead about your week, sketch out a possible menu, keep it simple. Make a shopping list from your menu and stock up. You’ll at least be prepared with healthier choices on hand and be able to avoid that last minute rush to the store.

Rose Bush

Take time to smell the roses, be present. Life is so crazy, we get caught up on this endless treadmill that we forget to stop and enjoy it. Notice the small things, the smell of your morning coffee as it brews, the crunch as you bite into that juicy apple, the pretty flower you notice on the hedge as you pass by. We really only have the present moment, the past is gone, the future but an assumption, so think about starting to be aware and conscious of all those precious moments as you live them.

Be kind to your body, it’s the only one you have and it does so much for you. Learn to love and appreciate it rather than constantly criticizing it and wishing it were different. Yes, you can always take steps to change the way you look, to get healthier etc. but consider that a gift to your body for all it does for you and love it as you do.

Make that bucket list. Keep a running list of things you’d like to do (not a list of chores or errands) but things you would like to do if you had the time, money etc. If you write it down and revisit it often, chances are you will eventually start to make those things happen. I did that years ago. I made a wish list of things I wanted to do if I had the time, well here years later, I’ve done most of them and many are now a part of my daily life.