Dance mat
Irish Language-Gaeilge,  Lifestyle,  Simply Yoga

I made it to the gym!

It’s a start

January 24,

Today I made it to the gym for the first time in 2023! It was not a great workout or anything to write home about but I did make it across the threshold and managed a short workout. It remains to be seen how I feel tomorrow. 

I’m done with Covid but I’m not entirely sure it is done with me. In the three weeks since I tested positive my biggest issues have been extreme fatigue and awful headaches. The headaches have almost disappeared, and I’m getting my energy back slowly. I’ve gone for some walks on the beach which are wonderful but I have little or no energy the next day. I tried dancing and it took too much out of me. 

Workout Progress

February 5, 

It’s been a week and a half since I started this post! I’ve been trying to listen to my body and ease back into activity. I certainly notice a change in my stamina and recovery time. I’m usually pretty tired the day after a workout, I tend to be ok in the morning but crash in the afternoons. That being said, during the week of January 22-29, I did manage three strength workouts, three cardio, four yoga sessions about 20-30 min each,  three beach walks, about 3 miles each and I managed to run through some of my dances on five days. I started off with two on the first day and built it up. This week was a bit different, four strength workouts, only one cardio, three yoga sessions,  one beach walk, and three dance practices. I’m certainly sleeping more, I’m also trying to up my water intake and focus on healthy nutritious foods. 

Yoga mat
Cable row machine
water bottle

It’s not quite where I had hoped to be fitness wise but I’ve got to listen to my body. I am trying to spend less time sitting though it is hard when you can’t be as active as usual. I’ve been using the counter as a standing desk during my online classes and trying to get up and move around regularly when I am sitting for a while. My usual goals for exercise are at least three each cardio, strength, and flexibility a week. I’ve not been as consistent as I would like with my strength training and yoga since rupturing my spleen a year and a half ago. That was such a traumatic event,  I just have not been able to get back into the groove.  My goal for this year is to get my mojo back. My plan was to ease into it, adding a little at a time and building on it from there. That’s still my plan but it’s progressing a little more slowly than I had hoped.


Other News

Apart from working out, January was a productive month on several other fronts. I have been chipping away at other habits and goals I have wanted to develop and work on.

I continue to teach my weekly online Irish classes and I’ve signed up for several classes myself. I’m reading more in Irish and have joined two different Club Leabhar (Book Clubs), and have started to do my daily gratitude list and journal in Irish. 

The garden is loving the rainy weather we have had recently. My seedlings are starting to sprout and the tomatoes are coming in. The birds have yet to discover them. The microgreens I threw into the raised beds when we left before  Christmas have given us a few heads of broccoli, some arugula, and lettuce and the peppers are ripening. My community garden plot has been weeded, dug out, and amended with compost and is ready for seedling transplants. 

All in all a good month on many fronts. Here’s to a fantastic February. 

How are your goals coming along?

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