packing boxes

A New Beginning

Aloha friends, fellow Yogis, Gaeilgeoirs, and those of you who just stopped by my blog,

I hope this finds you all keeping well. I’ve made many attempts to write this letter/blog post but just have not been able to get it done. I made the mistake of taking a course on blogging and all the technical stuff just got too overwhelming. I began to overthink it. So here goes, not paying attention to SEO or optimizing, or any of it, just getting an update out there and hopefully in the future I will be able to navigate the technical stuff a little better now that life is settling down again.

As you know from my last post, in January we finally made the trip back to the mainland to wrap up things in Oregon. I put my Simply Yoga and Gaeilge go Deo-Irish classes on hold and we spent two hectic weeks, clearing out the storage locker, selling the boat, finding homes for our furniture and piano, sorting through all our belongings and packing a shipping container. We got everything sorted and the last step was to drop off our truck in Seattle before flying back to Hawaii.

kayak on car
Goodbye Kayak!
Furniture on truck
Goodbye Bedroom Furniture!
Air Natique
Goodbye Air Natique!

We arrived back and had a few days rest before the shipping container arrived. We managed to unload it before family from out of town arrived. It was lovely to visit them and see how much the kids have grown since we last saw them in 2020. Since then we have been slowly but surely unpacking all the boxes. Lots of surprises unearthing treasures we packed up almost three years ago! We are still working on figuring out where to put everything!

The garden has grown like crazy! It certainly has been a learning experience. We have enjoyed lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, a few potatoes, beets, basil, cilantro, and parsley. The peppers, chilis kale, and eggplant are just about ready to enjoy. I’m not quite sure about the carrots and the zucchini were a bust! Trying again though.  I’ve learned about pests, powdery mildew, and am currently battling with the birds for tomatoes. It’s all about who gets to them first!!

Vego Garden Beds

It’s been a busy two months finalizing a move that took almost three years. Who would ever have known that things would turn out the way they did. Now that we are finally here in our new home I admit to feeling very unsettled at first. I think, because it was difficult and took so long, it was almost hard to believe it had finally happened. So we are settling in, we have a lot of work to do still but all in due time. I’m back teaching some Irish classes and working on deciding what direction I want to go with Simply Yoga. I banged up my knee and am not in a position to lead a class. It’s healing, so hopefully soon I’ll be back to yoga, running and working out.

It’s hard to believe it is May already. Hope you are all well. Aloha!

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