
Leg Day and Life after Kids

Am I the only one who procrastinates when it comes to working out? Leg day, you’ve got to love it or hate it. Personally, I hate the thought of it, the anticipation, ensuing procrastination,  but once I get to the gym and get into it, I derive a calm sense of satisfaction as I work through it slowly but surely, concentrating on form and not getting injured. Those days tend to be the ones I feel the most the next day. Follow that up with a run and you’ve got a double whammy. Not complaining though, I’ve come to a point in my life where I’m thankful for what my body can do and appreciate how it helps me through this thing we call life. I figure in the long run (pardon the pun), my body will thank me for it. 

Gym Selfie

Not quite sure how that led to “Life after Kids” but I think it’s because I am now very aware and grateful to have time to head to the gym, take my time and really give that workout my best effort, and then be able to follow it up with a run instead of racing off to pick up or drop off one son or the other, figure out what’s for dinner, move the laundry, take the dog out, or worry about grading and posting the latest math test. I still wonder  how I ever managed to squeeze so much into 24 hours.



It’s been 10 years since my baby graduated high school and headed off for college, 2 years since I resigned my teaching position and took early retirement. A lot has happened since then. Before I retired people would ask, “What will you do in retirement?” I didn’t have it all figured out but anticipated doing all those things I never had the time to do while working full-time  and raising my boys, workout, make music, dance, learn to speak other languages, get healthy, stay healthy. As the time grew closer and retirement only a few years away, we began to consider that maybe we could actually realize our dream and move to a warmer climate by the ocean. It’s taken a lot to get here. Who would ever have imagined? 

Navy Mom Hydroflax


So life after kids, it’s certainly different. Miss them all the time, but they are off living their lives and doing what we raised them to do, being independent. Those rare opportunities we get to see and spend time with them are the highlights of our year for sure but in the meantime I’m working on doing all those things I never had time to do. Exercising, eating well, going for walks, reading, studying Irish, French,  Italian, practicing my harp, doing some yoga, going to the beach, and of course getting in leg day. 

Have a great day!


Squat Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash