Lifestyle,  Nature,  Travel

Fresh Air and Flowers, What More Could You Ask for?

I love flowers! There is just something about them that draws me in. I have a special love for wildflowers, they just seem to pop up and greet the world with a smile despite the seemingly inhospitable conditions. Recently on my trip home to Ireland I enjoyed time with my family in Kinvara, Co. Galway. Every morning I would take an early walk up the road to visit the donkeys. I often got distracted by the hedgerows which were in full bloom, amazing how many different varieties in one small strip. I’ve been racking .my brain to remember all their names from my childhood but eventually had to give up and consult the field-guides and that handy dandy app PlantNet. I may or may not have got them all correct. I’ve also added their Irish names.  Enjoy their simple beauty.

Field Scabious
Knautia Arvensis
Cab an ghasáin

Centaurea nigra

Great Hairy Willowherb
Epilobium hirsutum
Lus na Tríonóide

Common Yarrow
Achillea millefolium
Athair thalún

St John’s Worth
Hypericum perforatum
Lus na Maighdine Muire

Lonicera periclymenum

Tufted Vetch
Vicia cracca
Peasair na luch

Wild Morning Glory / Hedge Bindweed
Calystegia sepium
Ialus fáil

Meadow Vetching
Lathyrus pratensis
Peasairín buí

Marsh Woundworth
Stachys palustris

Agrimonia eupatoria

Wild Marjoram
Origanum Vulgare
Máirtín Fiáin

Heracleum sphondylium